I'm modifying this blog, to reflect some changing professional interests. So 'regular readers' please bear with me whilst I make the changes and try to work out a design that will accommodate the information I want to share.
I'm modifying this blog, to reflect some changing professional interests. So 'regular readers' please bear with me whilst I make the changes and try to work out a design that will accommodate the information I want to share.
London as it happens! Despite being very quiet I haven't been away - I've just been keeping my head down!
But in deference to my regular reader (thanks UC!) I'm planning to get back on the keyboard in earnest, soon.
In the meantime I've been taking quite a lot of photographs, so do check out the new albums - especially the Folkestone Triennial and Harbour Festival one.
I've been hoping (trying?) to get back into my blogging stride, and hopefully Lewis' win in Monaco will give me the impetus to do that. So look out for some more updates soon.
This is my first post of 2008 and therefore also my first since a few days before Christmas! When I signed off for the seasonal holiday I didn't intend to stay away for so long - but since January I've been working through the arrangements for a new job (see next post for details) and I wanted to sort that out before returning to the fray here.
Thankfully all is sorted out and I'm back - and have quite a lot to say and catch up on, I hope to do that over the coming week.
Oh, and Happy New Year!
We're off to Suffolk to celebrate Christmas with family, so there won't be any posts for a week or so - but before I go I wanted to wish all readers (!) Happy Christmas and Best Wishes for 2008.
Thank you to all of you who've supported me during my term of office.
Best wishes, Ian
after this message - I'm not sure what it is, but despite having plenty going on (oh that might be it), I've been very quiet on here!
I'll try to catch up, and stay caught up.
Well I'm off to Durban for the IFLA Annual Conference tomorrow, I hope to do some blogging from the event, but that will depend just how packed the programme is! Normal service should resume after the Bank Holiday weekend.
I'm trying to do some catching up here - as inevitably I've had lots of events to attend and little time to write about them! So I'm trying to put that right, but at some cost in terms of the quality of the reports - given that I much prefer writing spontaneous reports.
Predictable title, and predictable problem I fear - it's not that I haven't been out and about getting on with things, but more that I haven't had the time to write about them! So what follows is an attempt to catch up, in the hope that I will stay caught up, well stranger things have happened!
On the plus side, all the other resolutions are working out fine!
A maxim I usually subscribe to, and certainly an apposite one for New Year's Day! We're now back in London after a 'two-centre' holiday break! - Christmas in a rented cottage in Dorset (some photos in the Christmas 2006 album) and the New Year spent with my family in Suffolk. Both locations provided a relaxing time, and plenty of opportunity to over-eat, explore Britain's road system - and briefly experience life outside London.
So this short post is an opportunity to mark the start of 2007, and say a brief word about resolutions. On the whole I do believe its worthwhile making some public statement of your plans or at least hopes for the coming year, so what follows is an abridged version of my resolutions for 2007.
Firstly, and I know everyone says this - to get fit again, I think the holiday in Canada (and North American portions) derailed me towards the end of last year, and as I'm hoping to run some 10k races for charity during the year (with respectable times) I do need to get back into a proper gym routine sooner rather than later - especially as I expect to be back in the US in the Spring!
Secondly, given that I will become CILIP President in April, to work hard to support CILIP and its members - particularly appropriate given that we have the twin challenges of implementing the recommendations of the Governance review and carrying out the second phase of the New Business model work ahead of us.
Thirdly, of course, to keep this blog up-to-date - and to use it to report on my activities for CILIP.
Fourthly and finally for this list (notwithstanding what CA says) to get back into watching films in the cinema - I think that one has a lot to do with not attending the London Film Festival last year - and maybe joining sofa cinema too, so I do need to work to get back into the cinema going habit.
Well time will tell how I get on, but hopefully you'll be able to read reports here.
Best wishes for a happy, productive and enjoyable 2007.
I'm an academic librarian
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